‘Collaboration, Cooperation & Creativity in the Treatment of Brain Injury’

On Tuesday 1st November we attended the ‘Collaboration, Cooperation and Creativity in the Treatment of Brain Injury’ event hosted by Stamp, Jackson & Procter Limited at the University of Hull.

The event provided a great deal of insight into effective partnerships across the brain injury pathway, and saw leaders in the field of neurorehabilitation discuss their approaches to collaborative working with regards to patients with ABI (acquired brain injury).


Real life, regional case studies provided valuable insight into the barriers in the treatment of brain injury, and how collaborative working made a positive impact on patient care and rehabilitation.

Tia and Tina at the CPD event with tilt in space shower cradle

We were honoured to be invited as a marketplace attendee and brought along our popular Tilt-in-Space Shower Cradle, 3-in-1 Bathing Solution and Paediatric Foldable Bathing Cradle.

Many industry professionals came to chat with us and take away some information, and as always it was great to make those connections and network with like-minded individuals. We can’t wait for next year’s event!

#OccupationalTherapy #BathingEquipment #AquiredBrainInjury #ABI


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